Today’s morning we woke up and had breakfast at the cafeteria. We all had different food but they gave us oranges and we didn’t eat them, because Arantza tried them and she told us that they weren’t good so we straight up didn’t have them.
Afterwards, at 9:00 am, we went to the conference room all together and checked everyone’s pictures from the day before. Then, the teachers announced the winners’ names, and Emma’s team wooonnn!!! (They actually had really good pictures, I won’t lie).
Later on, we started working. So, the teachers gave us our topics for the podcasts that we’re recording Thursday at the Siauliai’s school. They were all different and really cool to work on! 🙂
When it was lunchtime (at 1:00 pm), they told us we only had an hour to have lunch, so we tried to go as fast as possible and rush. All the Spain team had lunch with the German ones (we get along truly well with them). We had pizzas, but the restaurant wouldn’t let us eat at the actual tables of the place, so we ordered to go. At this moment it was 1:30 pm, and at 2:00 pm we had to be again in the conference room. Eventually, we got late to the conference room, everyone was waiting for us, and it was pretty embarrassing, but we really couldn’t control the kitchen’s speed, so we told Aina and she told the other teachers that they would have to wait for us (in the end we just ate the pizzas on our way to the hotel). Our Spanish blood is reflected in our lateness.
So, there, Rima (the Lithuanian coordinator) played a video of a Lithuanian guy on youtube who explains a little of the curiosities of the country and what it’s interesting about it. We watched it, and then went outside and Rima conducted us through the city and we saw a bunch of monuments and famous places. She explained a bit about each one of them and the history behind their legacy.
After a while of walking on the Lithuanian streets we got to a mountain where the teachers told us that we could spend some free time by ourselves and just wander around the city. We, then, separated and visited some other places, went shopping, …
To end, at 8:00 pm we had dinner with Aina and Arantxa in the very same restaurant that we have been to in all the dinners here, it has become a tradition!
As we were so tired, we got to the hotel after dinner and taking a little walk down that same street the restaurant is in, and we put our pajamas on and went to sleep.