
core subjects

These subjects are compulsory both years.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Development of critical thinking oriented towards reflection on the nature of knowledge from a humanistic point of view.

Extended Essay (EE)

Independent research based on a thorough study of a question related to one of the DP subjects.

CAS Creativity, Action and Service

Activities aimed at the education in integrity, beyond the academic one, focused on three areas: Creativity: development of creativity and innovation-based activities and projects. Activity: Activities related to sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Service: Community service activities developing a reciprocal collaboration commitment.

subject groups

Of the following subjects, during the two courses, three should be chosen at a standard level (SL) and three at a higher level (HL), or two at SL and four at HL. The SL subjects have a minimum of 150 lessons, whereas the HL subjects have 240 lessons along with the two courses. Literature, English and Mathematics are compulsory and three further subjects should be chosen from Groups 3 and 4.


Catalan Literature

Self-taught Literature

Spanish literature

Group 2


Group 3


business and Management

Global Politics


Environmental Systems and Societies




Group 5

Matematics applications

matematics analysis

Online subjects (optional)

Per complementar la tria de les matèries, existeix la possibilitat de cursar en anglès i de forma on-line, alguna de les matèries IB que no ofereix el nostre centre, a través de la plataforma Pamoja. Cada matèria oferta substitueix una matèria del grup corresponent oferta per l’escola.
